Andrew Murray - 10 years with my Birmingham Hip Resurfacing
Andrew Murray is a former European Open Golf Champion from Cheshire. In the late 1990s, severe hip arthritis began affecting his mobility as well as his career. A right-sided Birmingham Hip Resurfacing (BHR) with Professor McMinn got him back to an active lifestyle.
“I was really struggling with a hereditary hip condition,” recalls Andrew. “So much so that I couldn’t get round the golf course without 6 or 8 anti-inflammatories inside me, let alone practice afterwards. I certainly couldn’t do that.”
After enduring years of discomfort, he realised surgery was his only option. He knew about traditional hip replacements but doubted their suitability, “I didn’t want to go for the total hip replacement because the mobility I would lose would be massive.”
Fortunately, Andrew heard about an alternative treatment, the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing (BHR), specifically aimed at young and active patients. After hearing the many success stories, Andrew decided a BHR with Professor McMinn would be his best option.
“I booked myself in [for surgery] immediately after the golf season finished in November 1999 and it’s been fantastic ever since,” he beams. “Three months later I was playing golf and I’ve played tennis and swimming. People said I looked younger purely because the pain on my face had gone. I was taking no more anti-inflammatories. I’ve hardly taken one since and 10 years down the line, I’m feeling fitter than ever.”
The BHR has certainly met all Andrew’s expectations and more than a decade after surgery, he continues to compete at the highest level. He says, “That I can swing a golf club completely and utterly pain-free is beyond my wildest dreams. It’s a revelation. The BHR has changed my life completely.”
In Autumn 2011 Andrew featured in Hip & Knee News, you can download the newsletter here.