Mitchell Hill Celebrates 20 Years with his Metal-on-Metal Hip Resurfacing
Metal-on-Metal (MoM) Hip Resurfacing has been around longer than many people realise. The BHR actually belongs to a family of MoM resurfacings that Mr McMinn began developing in the early 1990s. Hip resurfacing was of course introduced as an alternative to total hip replacement (THR) and aimed at younger patients whose active lifestyles made them unsuitable for a THR.
Mr McMinn’s earliest MoM design, The McMinn Resurfacing, was implanted in a number of patients in 1991. One of those patients, Mitchell Hill from Shropshire, was just 24 when he had surgery. In the summer of 2011, Mitchell reached a phenomenal milestone - 20 years with his hip resurfacing.
“Before the operation, things were pretty dire,” Mitchell explains. “I’d dislocated my leg and the pain was intolerable. I had Mr McMinn’s resurfacing and after a bit of physio, my life was back together again. It was incredible.” 20 years later, Mitch’s hip is still feeling great and his X-Ray series below shows an excellent clinical outcome.
Back in 1991, Mitch’s options were limited. He could’ve had a THR but, as Mr McMinn advises, total hips quickly wear out in active young men, requiring revision surgery. Instead, Mitch’s hip resurfacing has allowed him to lead a full and active life. ”I’ve done so many things since the operation,” he says. “I could sprint and run if I had to - I could out-run anybody.”
Mitch’s hip has never felt better and he explains, “10 years came, then 15. Now 20 years has come and I’m not worried in the slightest about my hip. I know it’s going to last - it just feels part of me now. Mr McMinn has changed my life.”
Please view Mitchell’s full interview below featuring a short introduction from Mr McMinn with some background information on the cementless hip resurfacing procedure.
In Autumn 2011 Mitchell featured in Hip & Knee News, you can download the newsletter here.
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