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Michael Ponberth - Left Birmingham Knee Replacement (BKR) (July 2010)

Michael Ponberth - Birmingham Knee ReplacementSales Director Michael had bilateral Birmingham Hip Resurfacings (BHRs) with Mr McMinn in 2001 and 2002. He was delighted to get back to regular golf following surgery and admits, “I’ve played sport all my life. It’s highly important to me and it’s all part of my quality of life.”

But by 2010, his left knee had deteriorated and he was struggling with to complete 18 holes. “I was in a lot of discomfort and a friend said, ‘you’re walking like an ostrich.’” Michael knew it was time for decisive action but feared a replacement knee would stop him playing golf for good.

During a consultation for his hips, he brought the subject up with Mr McMinn. They got talking about Mr McMinn’s new knee replacement, the Birmingham Knee Replacement (BKR). “In his opinion it would be the best,” Michael explains. “He said it would be the nearest knee produced that replicated normal knee function.” Importantly, this functionality would allow Michael to stay active, putting his mind completely at ease. “I needed to know I could be mobile following a knee replacement. I often travel a thousand miles a week with work, pulling heavy sample cases out the car.”

Michael Ponberth - Birmingham Knee Replacement 2Convinced this was the correct procedure for him, Michael had his BKR in July 2010 and was quickly on the road to recovery.

After some dedicated post-op physiotherapy, Michael was able to start swimming and training on a static bike. His recovery went from strength to strength, and he was back to the sport he loves. “Twelve weeks after the operation I was back to playing golf twice a week on a Saturday and a Sunday. I cannot express strongly enough how delighted I am with the surgery and rehabilitation.”

In Summer 2011 Michael featured in our Hip & Knee News newsletter, you can download the newsletter here.

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© The McMinn Centre - Professor Derek McMinn MD FRCS Hip Resurfacing Birmingham UK