Lawrie McMenemy Bilateral BHRs (Nov 1999/ Dec 1999)
Retired Professional Football Manager
Retired Football Manager Lawrie McMenemy believed his back was the source of his pain, only to later discover it was coming from his hips. Gateshead-born Lawrie went on to have bilateral Birmingham Hip Resurfacings (BHRs), just one week apart at the end of 1999.
The FA Cup-winning manager thought the pain was part and parcel of being a footballer with all the running around and knocks, and being “a big fella”. Surrounded by club doctors, Lawrie often asked for pain killers and got on with it the best he could.
Whilst managing Northern Ireland it got to the stage where Lawrie would brace himself for pain, before walking 50 yards, “like Quasimodo” to the team dug-out.
Despite having both hips resurfaced his hospital stay was only 14 days, pleasantly surprised by this Lawrie is keen to spread the word about the alternative procedure, he explains: “Everybody should be aware that there is more than one type of hip operation.”
The keen golfer, who managed the House of Commons football team, is thrilled with his outcome saying: “The lack of pain, being active and able to join in things are the biggest pluses, I’ve not had a twinge of pain or a painkiller since!”
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