
‘My Left Hip’ poem

The following poem, entitled ‘My Left Hip’, was sent in by one of Mr McMinn’s patients.

My Left Hip

Needing a new hip
As with this I have to hop
I chose to do it proper
And go right to the top.

So here I am in Birmingham
To see Derek and his team
Where at The Nuffield, Birmingham
You do a job most clean.

I once was fit and healthy
And would run in forests green
I used to walk up mountains
And to repeat, is my big dream.

So Thursday is the day for me
With pin and chip and ream and snip
As you progress through flesh and skin
You’ll make anew my poor left hip.

With pin and chip you’ll mend my hip
And I will pay with chip and pin.

With brightly polished Brummy hip
I’ll once again run, dance and skip
With smooth and silky chrome alloy
I’ll move again and jump for joy.

Working hard with physios
To get fit is my intent
Within a year and with some luck
I’ll run again on Hills of Clent.

Birmingham Hip Resurfacing BHR Hip Replacement

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