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Peter Webb - Bilateral Birmingham Hip Resurfacings (May 2001)

Cheshire-based, Peter Webb suffered hip arthritis for almost 20 years before having bilateral Birmingham Hip Resurfacings (BHRs) in 2001. “I was quite active really, running and doing triathlons,” he explains. So it came as a shock to Peter, just 28 at the time, when an x-ray taken for back pain clearly showed the beginnings of hip arthritis.
Peter found he was able to carry on being active for another decade, remembering he says, “I started having problems doing the things I wanted to do and by my early 40s the running and triathlons had to stop, it was too painful.” The arthritis had taken its toll and it wasn’t just physical pain, he said “Mentally I was getting fed up with the whole thing as well.” Peter decided he needed to investigate surgical options.
He found out about the BHR through a golfing friend and was buoyed by the possibilities, saying: “I was really quite excited as it seemed to be the answer to my problems and I made the decision very quickly [to have BHRs] once I met Derek McMinn.”
Waking up in hospital he was delighted that his arthritic pain had gone. Peter’s recovery went smoothly, he recalls: “I slipped very quickly back into normal life. Soon I got to the point where I wasn’t thinking about my hips anymore.”
In 2005, less than four years after his BHR operations, Peter decided to run the London Marathon. Fittingly, he ran the 26.2 mile course, on behalf of Arthritis Research. After a long and intense period of training, Peter fondly remembers: “I felt elated when I crossed the line, it felt like final proof that the problem had been solved and I was back to normal!”
Excitedly looking towards the future, Peter and his wife are planning on a canoeing trip in Canada and a tough 10k race with their daughter Alex. Peter is relishing his sporting second chance, declaring: “All I want to do is carry on running and cycling, I can do whatever I like, it’s great!”

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© The McMinn Centre - Professor Derek McMinn MD FRCS Hip Resurfacing Birmingham UK